Our Story


Who We Are

We are the World of 131, a group of companies that range from apparel, to music, to automotive and more. We have a passion from within for each and every company we created. That passion allows us to grow and succeed because it is who we are.

Our products on our site reflect our passions. As our passions grow, so does our product lines.


Our History

We started years back as a custom motorcycle company with a passion for cool custom stuff out of the Mid Atlantic Region of the US.

We wanted to add a flare to our name so we took the "M" that is the 13th letter in the alphabet and the "A" that is the 1st letter in the alphabet and combined the numbers to create 131. From that point on we let our imagination and creativity for all things cool grow to what we love.

Our love, our passion created The World of 131. We are not just companies, but a lifestyle, a culture.